"Critical Thinking: The Soul of Communication"

The excerpt clearly states that Critical Thinking and Communication are not two separate entities that can't possibly function without the other in a work-related environment, which can be found in the statement "If communication is defined as a meaningful exchange of information, thoughts and feelings between two living creatures, critical thinking is the engine that provides this meaning."

 A leader is someone who leads, someone who must make on the spot decisions and someone who is able to delegate the task at hand. To be able to achieve the three things stated above, a leader must be able to communicate well with the team working under them. However, communication isn't as important as Critical Thinking. Being able to think critically, allows for a better understanding of the task or problem at hand, and this would lead to better ideas and/or solutions to tackle said tasks or problems. From here we can see that the critical thinking aspect is important in generating the ideas and solution while the communication aspect is needed to impart said ideas and solutions down to the team.


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