
 Dear Professor Brad Blackstone,

My name is Mohamed Khaider Bin Mohamed Jamalludin. I am a freshman pursuing an undergraduate degree in sustainable infrastructure engineering (land). I graduated from Republic Polytechnic (RP) with a diploma in engineering systems & management.

My interest in engineering started 10 years ago, when I was enrolled in ITE where I received my higher nitec certification in offshore & marine engineering design. During my time there, I was exposed to not only the design aspect of engineering but also how this industry is only a small part of a vast network of transportation linking the world together. Here was where I decided to further my education by obtaining a diploma in engineering systems and management at republic polytechnic. Upon graduation, I pursued a career in the transportation industry where I was under the employ of SMRT Corporation Ltd as an assistant engineer in the circle line signals (platform screen door) department for a year. Working under SMRT further solidify my interest in engineering transportation industries.

I was able to hone my critical thinking skills, due to formal and informal presentations, which occurred almost daily during my diploma studies. However, my weakness is still public speaking where I tend to stutter and avoid eye contact. Hence, my goals for this module are to improve on my public speaking skills, as to be able to convey whatever that I have penned out in a clear and concise manner and to continue improving my critical thinking skills. I believe that these two goals that I have set for myself are important in the work force, especially after getting a firsthand experience of presenting to head of departments, branch managers and engineers, from both SBS Transit and SMRT.

Thank you, Professor Brad, for taking the time to read my self-introduction.


With Regards,

Mohamed Khaider

Group T5


  1. At a glance this looks like an interesting read, Khai. I'll give comments once your blogging buddies have done so.

  2. Khaider,

    This letter was well written. It was very simple and concise yet detailed and clear. I like that your goals are very firm and realistic and you know what is best for yourself.


  3. Khaider,

    Well done, Khai! I feel that you have done a great job including a lot of the information despite having very little words to spare. I like how you relate your goals with the work force. For me, this is very realistic, as that is ultimately the long term goal for all of us in this module. I wish you all the best in attaining your goals. Keep up the good work!

  4. Dear Khai,

    Thank you for this richly detailed letter. From the clear attention given to each topic and the specific, concrete descriptions provided, you have shown us not just that you have significant life and work experience but that you also recognize the value of being precise and focused in your communication. I'm certain that this is one of the reasons why you also seem quite attentive in class. You know that the skills we are discussing -- from thinking with clarity, for example, to expressing oneself concisely with confidence -- are very real needs in the workplace.

    I'm especially impressed by the fact that you have also been self critical in this letter, and that you understand how important it is for you to take this current educational opportunity and make the best of it.

    In fact, I'm always happy to have an older guy like you in class, so that you can be a model for the younger less mature dudes. My challenge to you moving forward is for you to do more oral sharing (yes, camera on of course). We need a professional tone set for the Zoom lessons to make them more worthwhile.

    In terms of language use, this is a very fluent effort, with the only point for you to take note of being your overuse of the capitalization function on your keyboard. :)

    I look forward to reading more of your writing this term.




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